Elissama Menezes
Elissama Menezes moved to Canada from Brazil to complete her Master of Marine Management degree at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She now works at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as Analyst, Marine Shipping and the Climate Emergency - Eli is making big waves for womxn in her field!
100 words from Eli:
A picture is worth a thousand words (and I only have a hundred).
Here I am in what I consider my natural habitat - the beach - doing what I love to do the most: exchanging ideas.
This picture was taken during a marine educational activity in Brazil. It represents the three pillars of how I see a tutoring setting. The first most important aspect for me is to feel and let others feel comfortable. The second is to make sure that we are at the same level (literally). And finally, to have fun while experiencing the beauty and power of sharing experiences and perspectives of the world.
For mentorship from ELI, reach out to visions@evoke-creatives.com.
Learn more about Eli’s work:
Check out EDUCA SEAS - this is a non-profit that Eli is building, alongside other womxn leaders in her home community. EDUCA SEAS is based in Brazil and focuses on marine environmental education through the arts, culture and sport.
Get in a quick read with Eli’s WWF-Canada blog post on marine shipping and pollution: “No, I don’t want no scrubbers”.
For a more technical read, see Eli’s master’s graduate project (2019): “Whose voices are not in the room?” Indigenous women’s participation in the Arctic climate crisis research.